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I was going through some old papers from previous aging seminars and ran across this article from the June 2007 AARP bulletin entitled, "Closing in on Alzheimer's: Finally, New Drugs Offer Real Hope to Reversing the Disease." In the second paragraph, one of the doctors interviewed said, "Within all but three years, we'll have disease modifying drugs that fundamentally change the nature of Alzheimer's." Other interviewees expressed similar optimism for significant progress in the treatment of AD and there was an anecdotal success story. But, almost every single year, there are stories in the media exclaiming they have a "new, definitive test to detect Alzheimer's" and a "new breakthrough drug" that "shows great promise" to "significantly slowing or reversing the disease." Yet, year after year after year we get bupkis.....and that's after spending billions of dollarsevery single year on research. As best I could find, U.S. private companies have provided $42.5B in research funding from 1995-2021. Government funding from 2008-2020 has been around $13B, with annual government expenditures at approximately $4+B in 2024 and going forward. AD cost us more than cancer or heart disease. For those of us who deal with AD professionally and or have had incidents of it within our families, it is obviously devastating from all aspects. It has been 17 YEARS since that article was published and we still have essentially nothing of genuine significance to treat AD. I am hopeful, but not optimistic, that we will eventually find some way to treat this horrible disease, but for the scientific community, government, and media continue to float these balloons of absolute optimism is irresponsible at best and cruel at worst.
02-12-2025 - New blood test identifies elusive pancreatic cancer way before symptoms
01-17-2025 - This blood test screens for 50 different types of cancer. Is it worth the
12-20-2024 - Woke Medical Association Scrubs DEI Info From Website After
12-18-2024 - Passed! Veterans Assisted Living Legislation Awaits President’s
12-03-2024 - How weed became America’s drug of choice
11-18-2024 - For the first time, the elimination of cervical cancer is within our reach
11-12-2024 - Genetic Discrimination Is Coming for Us All
11-07-2024 - TB (tuberculosis) Reclaims Title of Deadliest Infectious Disease - That's an
10-28-2024 - Man sees deadly brain tumour shrink by half thanks to new radioactive
10-21-2024 - Marijuana Use Tied to Worse School Outcomes for Teens
10-17-2024 - Legal Marijuana Contains Dangerous Mold, States Approve It Anyway - WSJ
10-04-2024 - As America’s Marijuana Use Grows, So Do the Harms – DNyuz
10-04-2024 - As America's Marijuana Use Grows, So Do the Harms - NYT
10-07-2024 - 6 things I avoid as a heart surgeon for my own heart health
09-17-2024 - Fact Check:Kamala Harris Claims Administration Capped Insulin Costs for
09-10-2024 - One step closer to a snoring ‘cure’ as scientists discover epilepsy drug
‘tackles killer condition to blame’
09-09-2024 - I'm a doctor - these 'healthy' foods may be fueling a colon cancer crisis in
09-03-2024 - Mobile phones do not give you brain cancer, major study concludes
08-31-2024 - Simple blood test could predict a person’s heart disease risk 30 years out,
08-27-2024 - Toxic Homes For Sale: How California’s Illegal Marijuana Industry Ruins
07-19-2024 - Sugar: A Potential Culprit in Pancreatic Cancer, the ‘King of Cancer’
07-18-2024 - Half of US Cancer Deaths Avoidable, 'Alarming' Study Says - Newsweek
07-16-2024 - Cancer Breakthrough As Yale Radiologists Develop 'Trojan Horse' Therapy
07-03-2024 - The Real Problem With Legal Weed - The New York Times
06-20-2024 - Fake Ozempic Is Circulating in Europe and Americas, WHO Warns
06-27-2024 - Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) Pardons over 175,000 Marijuana
06-15-2024 - Reaffirmed: Masks make 'little to no difference' after 15-month review
06-07-2024 - Pfizer's Lung Cancer Drug Is Extending Survival Rates and Stopping Cancer
06-04-2024 - Internet Addiction's Effect on Teen Mental Health
06-02-2024 - Obesity blamed as cancer cases rise more quickly in the young
05-27-2024 - New study warns that tattoos could trigger a rare form of cancer
05-24-2024 - From DEI to DIE: Up to Half of UCLA Medical Students Fail Basic Tests
’Failed Medical School’ Whistleblower Blames Race-based Admissions
05-22-2024 - Study: Daily Marijuana Use Outpaces Daily Drinking in U.S.
05-20-2024 - Does Legalizing Cannabis Increase Adolescent Use? - The New York Times
05-19-2024 - Covid ‘Expert’ Francis Collins Finally Admits There Was No Science For Six-
05-17-2024 - Are the Risks of Marijuana Overhyped or Undersold? - WSJ
05-16-2024 - Justice Department formally moves to reclassify marijuana as a less
dangerous drug in historic shift
05-15-2024 - Cancer breakthrough as blood test spots disease seven years earlier
05-15-2024 - Doctor Richard Scolyer cancer-free one year after using own revolutionary
treatment on terminal brain tumor: ‘I couldn’t be happier!’
05-14-2024 - Gene editing breakthrough could soon cure herpes for good
05-10-2024 - What You Aren’t Hearing About Marijuana’s Health Effects - WSJ
04-30-2024 - 'Last thing we should be focusing on,' fires baffled American after Biden
vows to make marijuana less dangerous drug
04-24-2024 - How mRNA Vaccine Cell Damage Can Be Reversed Through Lipid
04-22-2024 - Molecular You Announces Breakthrough in Early Detection of Pancreatic
04-20-2024 - Former Air Force Engineer on a Mission to Investigate Rise in Unusual
Blood Clotting: Thomas Haviland
04-16-2024 - A blood test to detect cancer? Some patients are using them already.
04-11-2024 - Colorectal Cancer Is Striking Young People, and ‘Some New Exposures’
03-12-2024 - Weed (Marijuana) Is Dangerous. Legalizing It Was a Mistake
03-10-2024 - First-of-its-kind blood test to revolutionize detection of psychiatric
02-29-2024 - Thailand to Ban Recreational Marijuana by End of 2024
02-20-2024 - For Marijuana Users, Even Legalization Doesn’t Guarantee Safety - WSJ
01-22-2024 - New blood test that screens for Alzheimer’s may be a step closer to
01-22-2024 - Thinking About Marijuana and Mental Health - WSJ
01-10-2024 - More Teens Who Use Marijuana Are Suffering From Psychosis - WSJs
01-03-2024 - Revolutionary 'nanodrones' target and eliminate cancer cells - Study Finds
12-27-2023 - Just 4,000 steps a day may be enough to prevent Alzheimer's disease
12-26-2023 - Biden poised to loosen restrictions on marijuana, but some say it’s not
12-04-2023 - WATCH: What's Wrong with Marijuana? PragerU
12-02-2023 - A shortage of nurses is keeping Oklahoma from conducting regular
11-06-2023 - Marijuana use raises risk of heart attack, heart failure and stroke, studies
10-20-2023 - Revolutionary breast cancer detection technology at Oklahoma City
hospital reveals unexpected diagnosis in first patient
09-12-2023 - Decongestant Phenylephrine used by Sudafed, Benadryl is not effective,
09-12-2023 - FDA rules TODAY that ingredient in Benadryl and Sudafed from pharmacy
08-31-2023 - Taking dietary supplements full of antioxidants could actually help
08-29-2023 - Recently released docs reveal disease experts warned CDC about flawed
08-27-2023 - Mask study published by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks may expose
wearers to dangerous level of toxic compounds linked to seizures and
08-26-2023 - Surgeon General Says ‘Refuse to Participate’ With Mask Mandates
08-25-2023 - Weight-loss drug Semaglutide can reverse heart failure symptoms, study
08-24-2023 - Wealthy People Are Getting Full-Body Scans. Early Detection or
08-22-2023 - AI optical scans detect Parkinson’s 7 years in advance: researchers
08-21-2023 - These adult vaccines could reduce seniors’ risk of Alzheimer’s, study
finds: ‘Heightened immune response’
08-19-2023 - Binge drinking, marijuana use reached record highs in middle-aged adults,
08-07-2023 - Promising New Cancer Drug AOH1996 May Kill Cancer Cells with Minimal
07-23-2023 - Biden wants to torpedo Trump's short-term health insurance plans
07-17-2023 - VIDEO: Marijuana, Psychosis and Mental Illness
07-06-2023 - Cannabis Is Linked to Mental Illness - WSJ
06-27-2023 - American Medical Association Says BMI Is Bad Because Racism, While
Promoting Abortion As ‘Health Care’
06-21-2023 - American Medical Association Deems Body Mass Index Measure ‘Racist’
06-10-2023 - Zuckerberg: Medical Establishment Demanded Facebook Censor
Coronavirus Info that Was 'Debatable or True'
06-03-2023 - 'Masked' cancer drug stealthily trains immune system to kill tumors while
sparing healthy tissues, reducing treatment side effects
05-29-2023 - Groundbreaking Israeli cancer treatment has 90% success rate
05-26-2023 - Marijuana use linked to mental health risks in young adults
05-23-2023 - Surgeon General: Social Media Use Contributes to Youth Mental Health
05-15-2023 - Marijuana and Psychosis; Studies show a link between heavy pot use and
04-16-2023 - How New York's legal weed (marijuana) is turning workers into stoned
04-06-2023 - Assisted-living homes are rejecting Medicaid and evicting seniors
04-02-2023 - Joe Biden Moves to Cut Medicare Advantage
03-24-2023 - Alzheimer’s first signs may appear in your eyes, study finds
03-23-2023 - Polio is Back: London Vax Campaign Against Once-Eradicated Disease
03-17-2023 - Doctors Warn of 'Movement to Turn Physicians into Social Justice Warriors'
03-01-2023 - New Alzheimer's Drug Leqembi is approved
02-28-2023 - Biden Defense Official Rejects Medical Journal’s Finding that Natural
Immunity Is as Effective as Vaccination<WAT!!?? They’re not following the
science??? I’m shocked!! But, of course, Democrat politicians and bureaucrats are
much more knowledgeable on this than scientists and doctors are, right?
02-23-2023 - California Says It Can No Longer Afford Aid for Covid Testing,
02-21-2023 - The Covid Lockdown Disaster: Three Years Later
02-16-2023 - 19-year-old becomes youngest ever diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease
02-15-2023 - Rapid cancer test can diagnosis patients with just a splash of urine - Study
02-13-2023 - Face masks made ‘little to no difference’ in preventing spread of COVID,
02-07-2023 - Fact Check: Biden Claims He Capped Insulin Costs for Medicare Enrollees
02-07-2023 - What Counts as Income for Medicaid Long Term Care? Definitions,
02-07-2023 - Gun Ban For Marijuana Users Is Unconstitutional, U.S. Judge Rules
01-30-2023 - Report from Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews - Review of 78
studies shows masks of any kind make little or no difference in the
spread of respiratory viruses, including Covid and Flu.
01-30-2023 - Whoops! Lockdown-Loving Minister Admits Closing Schools Over COVID
01-27-2023 - How Much Does Assisted Living Cost in 2023?
01-27-2023 - A fake nursing diploma scheme brings 25 arrests in Florida : NPR
12-28-2022 - Biden Demands China Travelers Provide Negative COVID Test ( After
Calling Trump’s 2020 COVID Response ‘Nakedly Xenophobic’)
12-27-2023 - Gut microbes may play role in social anxiety disorder, say researchers
12-22-2022 - Dying for your high: The untold exploitation and misery in America's weed
12-08-2022 - Waiting Your Turn: Wait Times for Health Care in Canada, 2022 Report
12-08-2022 - Canadians have never waited this long for medical treatment, study finds
11-29-2022 - New data shows Alzheimer's drug can slow cognitive decline <Ok,
here we go again - another year, another "promising" A/D drug or test to confirm
it. Yeah, yeah, we've heard this all before and what has the medical research
community got to show for it? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, so I'm not holding my
breath here,....until next year.....>
11-26-2022 - Funding censorship? Feds give tens of millions to fight COVID
11-15-2022 - Researchers from the University of Ottawa and The Ottawa Hospital have
found marijuana smokers have a higher rate of emphysema and airway
diseases compared to cigarette smokers.
11-15-2022 - Emphysema More Common in Marijuana Smokers than Cigarette Smokers
11-09-2022 - Breakthrough blood test could detect Alzheimer’s years before symptoms
10-30-2022 - 'People are in Unbelievable Denial': Marijuana Creating Psychosis Episodes,
Sends up to 37 People to ER a Day in San Diego
10-26-2022 - Hyperbaric Oxygen Pressure Chamber Therapy Is Effective in the
Functional Improvement of Autism
10-26-2022 - The Economic Disaster of the Pandemic Response - Hillsdale Imprimus
10-18-2022 - Study: Marijuana Use a 'New Normal' for Young Adults
10-18-2022 - Study: Marijuana Use at Record Levels for Young Adults
10-06-2022 - A bold effort to cure HIV—using Crispr
09-10-2022 - Cancer breakthrough is a ‘wake-up’ call on danger of air pollution
09-02-2022 - Could testosterone supplements keep men from being hospitalized
09-01-2022 - Pandemic Protocols, School Closures Caused Largest Learning Loss in 30
09-01-2022 - 72% of Top Medical Schools Use Racial Politics to Eliminate Applicants
08-28-2022 - Smoking weed is now more popular than smoking tobacco Video here.
08-22-2022 - Marijuana, hallucinogen use at all-time high among young adults |
07-26-2022 - Study: Highly Potent Marijuana Creating Potheads Worldwide
07-26-2022 - Smoking Cigarettes Compared to Marijuana
07-26-2022 - Potent Weed Linked to More Marijuana Addiction Worldwide: Lancet Study
07-25-2022 - Highly potent weed creating marijuana addicts worldwide, study says
07-21-2022 - Senator Chuck U. Schumer's (D-NY) legal weed bill is finally here
07-13-2022 - The cannabidiol and marijuana research expansion act: Promotion of
scientific knowledge to prevent a national health crisis - The Lancet
07-12-2022 - Mercy Hospital (Oklahoma City) Unveils New Blood Test To Detect Cancer
07-07-2022 - Follow the COVID Money - American Thinker
07-04-2022 - Recreational marijuana use linked to increased chance of ER,
06-23-2022 - Psychosis, Addiction, Chronic Vomiting: As Weed (marijuana) Becomes
More Potent, Teens Are Getting Sick
06-06-2022 - NYC Rectal Cancer Trial Delivers ‘Unheard-of' Result: Complete
06-03-2023 - 'Masked' cancer drug stealthily trains immune system to kill tumors while
sparing healthy tissues, reducing treatment side effects
05-28-2022 - An HIV drug appears to reverse a type of memory loss/dementia in
05-24-2022 - Fauci's researchers find better antibody response from natural
05-20-2022 - NIH Study: Vaccinated People Develop Fewer Antibodies Than
Unvaccinated After COVID Infection
05-19-2022 - Fentanyl Tainted Pills Bought on Social Media Cause Youth Drug Deaths to
05-01-2022 - 5 Types of Medication Used to Treat Difficult Dementia Behaviors
03-09-2022 - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Autism
03-05-2022 - Revolutionary blood test can detect over 50 genetic neurological diseases:
'Will be a game-changer' - Brain Tomorrow
02-24-2022 - Obama’s WH doctor renews urgent call for Biden to take cognitive test:
‘Not fit to be our president right now’ <Yeah!! Where are all the libtards now
who demanded Trump take a cognitive test or be Article 25'd???>
02-24-2022 - Controversial study claims ‘unusual’ findings in genetic code of COVID-19,
02-23-2022 - More evidence Covid was tinkered with in a lab? Now scientists find virus
contains tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence patented by Moderna
THREE YEARS before pandemic began
02-16-2022 - New York patient becomes the first woman to possibly be cured of HIV
02-08-2022 - Cannabis/Marijuana-related emergency department visits by youths and
their outcomes in Ontario: a trend analysis
02-02-2022 - Biden Touts 'Biden Cancer Initiative,' Which Closed After Spending Millions
on Salaries, Nothing on Research
02-01-2022 - Johns Hopkins Study: 'Lockdowns Have Had Little to No Health Effects
01-31-2022 - California Democrats Fail to Pass Single-payer Health Care Bill (also
see: California's Single-Payer Health Care Plan Would Cost More Than the State's
01-20-2022 - More young adults developing gastrointestinal cancers - and doctors don't
01-17-2022 - Poll Finds Close To Half Of Democratic Voters Want COVID Internment
Camps For The Unvaxx'd <Is your neighbor a Democrat?? Watch them closely!>
01-17-2022 - California Could Double Its Taxes To Start Massive New Social Program -
01-16-2022 - Leaked Fauci Financials Expose How Millionaire Doctor Profited From
01-13-2022 - U.S. Supreme Court Suspends Biden's OSHA Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate
01-12-2022 - Gov. Newsom (D) Pushes Healthcare For Illegal Immigrants As California
Lawmakers Look At Single-Payer Healthcare System
01-10-2022 - Cannabis/Marijuana poisoning in young children increased nine times
12-17-2021 - Record Wait Times for Health Care in Canada
12-07-2021 - STUDY: "COVID lockdowns didn't work" - Sharyl Attkisson
11-23-2021 - Fauci: Lab Leak Unlikely, 'Much More Likely' COVID-19 from Animal
11-18-2021 - Why Is The Media Suddenly No Longer Interested In Blaming COVID Waves
11-04-2021 - Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) Grills Fauci on Gain of Function: You Changed
the Definition to 'Cover Your Ass'
11-02-2021 - Watch Anthony Fauci's Lies EXPOSED As He Makes Them
10-30-2021 - Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), Colleagues Demands Answers on Fauci NIH Dog
10-28-2021 - VIDEO: Antidepressant Fluvoxamine Significantly Reduces Covid-19
10-28-2021 - Survey Shows COVID-19 Toll on Senior Mental Health, Social Health
10-26-2021 - NIH Erases Website's Section on Gain of Function amid Fauci Fallout
10-23-2021 - Covid-19 natural immunity compared to vaccine-induced immunity: The
definitive summary | Sharyl Attkisson
10-25-2021 - Approved “Water Pill” Bumetanide May Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk
10-20-2021 - Pfizer has secret government contracts for COVID vaccines: Advocacy
group says company puts profits over public health and reveals seven of
its contracts are worth $5BILLION <WHAT??!! You mean they're not the
altruistic company all those liberal Democrat pointy heads told us they were?? I'm
socked, I tell you, SHOCKED!!>
10-04-2021 - Three Pfizer Scientists Caught on Video Admitting Natural
Immunity Stronger Than Vaccine Antibodies
09-17-2021 - Deafening Silence: CBS's 'Late Show with Stephen Colbert' Won’t
Acknowledge Bombshell Report Linking Fauci to Wuhan Lab After Praising
Him as ‘America's Most Trusted Doctor’
09-17-2021 - WATCH: Anthony Fauci Opposed Federal Vaccine Mandates at Least 13
09-13-2021 - Revealed: How scientists who dismissed Wuhan lab theory are linked to
09-13-2021 - The Wuhan lab leak was always a credible theory - so why did scientists
09-13-2021 - 27 Scientists & Doctors Who Said Coronavirus was not man-made - The
Lancet 3/7/2020 Re-affirmed on 7/5/2021
09-13-2021 - BOMBSHELL! CDC Admits Death Rate from COVID Greatly Overstated
09-09-2021 - CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo avoid documents suggesting Fauci lied to
Congress about NIH funding Wuhan lab research - ABC, CBS, NBC also
avoided the bombshell revelations
09-08-2021 - Expert: Documents Show Fauci-Funded Wuhan Lab Created Novel
Coronavirus with ‘Enhanced Pathogenicity’ for Humans
09-08-2021 - CNNLOL Ignores Bombshell Report About Lab Funding in Interview with
09-08-2021 - US pumped millions tp back Covid-19 research at China's Wuhan Institute
09-07-2021 - Scientist Claims Anthony Fauci 'Untruthful' About Chinese Lab Research
09-07-2021 - Internal Documents Further Contradict Fauci’s ‘Gain-of-Function’ Research
08-31-2021 - Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine creates TWICE as many antibodies as Pfizer's,
study finds - but scientists don't yet know how this translates to
08-27-2021 - Covid: Natural immunity for the win - Latest Studies From Israel
08-11-2021 - New study finds Pfizer vaccine may be less effective against Delta variant
08-05-2021 - Dr. Fauci Credits Trump for Speedy Development of Coronavirus Vaccines
07-28-2021 - BOMBSHELL: Pfizer engineered agreements with governments saying they
had to pay for the COVID-19 vaccines whether they worked or not, with
NO recourse for injuries or failures
07-23-2021 - 47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more
confirm their negative health effects
07-20-2021 - Washington Post Reporter: 'Rand Paul Was Right and Fauci Was Wrong'
07-16-2021 - Can This Houston-Born COVID Vaccine, Corbevax, Save the Developing
07-02-2021 - FDA approves controversial drug for use against Alzheimer’s disease,
despite evidence showing it doesn’t work
06-22-2021 - After Dr. Fauci repeatedly perjured himself, his destiny consists of
06-19-2021 - University of Florida Issues Statement After Lab Finds Pathogens on
06-19-2021 - Stunning Revelation: For Ten Years, Google Has Been Funding EcoHealth
Alliance Who Participated In Deadly Bat Coronavirus Research In Wuhan
06-12-2021 - Another Blow To Fauci: Hydroxychoroquine Study Debunks ‘Experts’ Cites
His Research Showing It ‘Worked As An Anti…
06-08-2021 - Cleveland Clinic’s latest study shows that there is no reason to
vaccinate those who have already had Covid19 (natural immunity).
06-02-2021 - Fauci in 2020: Masks From Drug Stores ‘Not Really Effective’ Against CCP
Virus <Believe that science, pretzel boy!>
06-01-2021 - Washington Post Becomes Latest Media Outlet To Walk Back "Debunked
Conspiracy Theory" Wuhan Lab Leak Coverage
05-17-2021 - Previous COVID infection provides more immunity than jab, new study
05-14-2021 - It Was The Government That Produced COVID-19 Vaccine Success <And yes,
Pfizer got money, too, depsite what you hear from the hags on The Spew!>
05-08-2021 - CDC Admits the Coronavirus Is Airborne, Can Be Transmitted More Than 6
05-04-2021 - 7T brain scans reveal potential early indicator of Alzheimer's
05-04-2021 - Pfizer Reaps Hundreds of Millions in Profits From Covid Vaccine
03-31-2021 - Taxpayer Funded Research And The Covid-19 Vaccine
03-29-2021 - Report: Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Aides Orchestrated Nursing Home Scandal
04-26-2021 - What MIT Just Revealed About Social Distancing PROVES How Crooked
04-22-2021 - Study: 56% of Liberal Women Under Age 30 Have Been Diagnosed as
04-19-2021 - SCIENCE: White Libs More Likely To Have Mental Health Problems:
Pew Research <Well, PauPau Biden says we have to follow the science.....>
04-16-2021 - Pew: Over Half of Liberal White Women Mentally Ill
04-15-2021 - “More Than Twice As Many” Drug Overdose Deaths As Covid-19 Deaths In
04-15-2021 - Pew: Young, Liberal, White Women Suffer Mental Health Issues
04-13-2020 - Dr. Fauci Torches a Member of the Press for Trying to Imply Trump Didn't
04-03-2021 - Blue New York, Michigan Report More Cases of the Coronavirus in Last
Seven Days than Texas and Florida
04-03-2020 - Brit Hume shares old video clip from Dr. Fauci that every lib critical of
Trump should be forced to watch
04-01-2021 - Judicial Watch Obtains Additional Records of FDA Purchases of Fetal
Tissue for “Humanized Mice” Project; Agency Wanted “Fresh, Shipped on
03-29-2021 - Study finds marijuana is as addictive as opioids among teenagers
03-22-2021 - Don’t Blink or You’ll Miss It: The Left Quietly Puts in Place Everything It
03-03-2021 - SARS Covid-2 Is the 'Product of Genetic Experiments Commissioned and
03-02-2021 - Professor quits COVID-19 research amid hostility over his findings
02-21-2021 - Brain-swelling Nipah virus 75 times more deadly than coronavirus may be
next pandemic, scientists warn of ‘The Big One’
02-16-2021 - Watch: Kudlow Calls 'Bulls**t' on Hot Mic to Kamala Claim Biden Admin
Started from Scratch on Vaccine
02-16-2021 - Project Veritas: Mark Zuckerberg Expressed Concern About 'Modifying
01-21-2021 - VIDEO: Dementia, Alzheimer's not an inevitable part of aging: Study
12-03-2020 - Can your employer require you to take a COVID-19 vaccine?
11-14-2020 - Biden Cancer Initiative spent millions on payroll, zero on research: report
11-12-2020 - How COVID-19 Vaccine Can Destroy Your Immune System
11-10-2020 - Analysis: Pfizer Vaccine Relies on U.S. Government-Developed Spike
Protein Technology - Belies Pfizer Claim Not to Have Benefited from
Taxpayer Dollars
10-27-2020 - New Study Found 80% of COVID-19 Patients Were Vitamin D Deficient
09-21-2020 - MSNBC Hostess Rachel Maddow inflation? Host uses U.S. coronavirus
death rate 10x higher than experts say
09-21-2020 - Are the additives in our food making us ill? Scientists say a diet of highly
processed meals is fuelling harmful inflammation that can lead to heart
disease, arthritis, dementia and even cancer
09-01-2020 - OH THE HORROR! Sturgis Motorcycle Rally COVID-19 Numbers Are in and
08-31-2020 - New Data From the CDC Shows 6% of Deaths Are Due to COVID-19 Alone
08-10-2020 - Bad news for teachers' unions: New UK mega-study shows that opening
schools brings almost no COVID risk
08-10-2020 - Lockdowns Never Again: Sweden Was Right, and We Were Wrong
07-27-2020 - Texas Doctor: Studies Claiming HCQ Doesn't Work Are 'Fake Science'
07-27-2020 - Here’s Exactly How Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) Covered up His Deadly
07-27-2020 - Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter Censor Viral Video of Doctors' Capitol
Hill Coronavirus Press Conference, but Video Still Available Here
07-27-2020 - WATCH: ER Doctor: 'We Are Not Overwhelming the Health Care System'
07-24-2020 - Trump Signs 4 Executive Orders to Lower Drug Costs
07-24-2020 - Health company apologizes for falsely telling 600,000 US military
members they were infected with coronavirus
07-24-2020 - SCIENCE FRAUD: Florida Gov. DeSantis calls for investigation into why
people are testing “positive” for coronavirus tests they never received
07-23-2020 - Lockdowns DON'T work, study claims: Researchers say stay-at-home
orders made no difference to coronavirus deaths around the world - but
07-22-2020 - Some Big City Officials Admit Anti-Police Protests May Have Helped
07-22-2020 - Fauci himself 15 years ago said chloroquine was effective at treating
07-22-2020 - Pfizer Gets $1.95 Billion to Produce Coronavirus Vaccine by Year’s End
07-21-2020 - Scientists say COVID temperature checks are not reliable and might do
07-20-2020 - LISTEN: The Elites Think We Are Stupid and Will Buy Their Coronavirus Lies
07-20-2020 - Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) Proposes Ban on Deporting Illegal Aliens
07-20-2020 - NIH: Does vitamin D deficiency increase the severity of COVID-19?
07-19-2020 - Connecticut pathologist’s study shows CDC coronavirus test kits generate
07-16-2020 - Top Biden Advisor: Yeah, We Really Screwed Up Swine Flu and are Lucky
07-16-2020 - Another COVID-19 Metric The Media Won't Tell You About
07-15-2020 - Physician Dr Scott Atlas Explains Why Closing Schools in the Fall
Doesn't Agree with the Science
07-14-2020 - Medical Group Says 'Little Evidence' Lockdowns Save Lives, Urges New
07-14-2020 - MSNBC Host's Face After Pediatricians Say It's Time to Send Kids Back to
07-13-2020 - LISTEN: Follow Science and Open Schools Normally
07-09-2020 - LISTEN: Understanding the Math Manipulation of the False COVID Panic
07-08-2020 - Ignored by the Leftist Media - Children are SEVEN TIMES More Likely to Die
from Seasonal Flu than the COVID
07-07-2020 - LISTEN: Don’t Be Silenced from Following the Real Science and Data on the
07-03-2020 - New Hydroxychloroquine Study Proves Trump Right, Says It 'Significantly'
05-24-2020 - Does This CDC Study Deliver the Knockout Blow in the COVID Lockdown
05-06-2020 - WATCH: Plandemic – The Next Covid-19 Film to be Censored from the
Web Alternate source (This video is being censored by Google, YouTube and
other video sharing platforms. If these links are dead, go to Yandex and search for
it - Yandex does not censor anything.)
04-23-2020 - MSNBC Wrongly Claims US Corona Testing 'Far Behind Other Countries'
04-15-2020 - Headlines Around The World Say The U.S. Has The Worst Record On
Coronavirus Deaths But The Data Says Otherwise
04-13-2020 - Dr Fauci to Biased Media: President Trump Always Said "Yes" to Our Health
04-12-2020 - Dr. Fauci Sets the Record Straight on China and Coronavirus
04-08-2020 - On Mask Shortage, CBS IGNORES That Obama Depleted Supply and Never
04-01-2020 - Dr. Fauci Sets CNN's Jim Acosta Straight on Trump's Coronavirus
Response: "We acted very, very early"
03-31-2020 - New blood test can detect 50 types of cancer
03-25-2020 - Johns Hopkins Study: USA More Prepared for Pandemic Than Any Other
03-22-2020 - COVID-19 – Evidence Over Hysteria
03-15-2020 - The Coronavirus ‘Plandemic’ and the rise of the New World Order
01-15-2020 - Even when sober, frequent marijuana users are dangerous drivers, report
11-28-2019 - Home urine test could 'revolutionise' prostate cancer diagnosis
10-01-2019 - Artificial blood that is 'better than the real thing' made in lab by scientists
09-28-2019 - New blood test could detect more than 20 types of cancer
09-12-2019 - Fact Check: No, Biden, Obamacare Not Working for Americans
08-18-2019 - Joe Biden: My Plan Will Make 'Health Care More Affordable' <Oh yeah, just
like it did under Obama(DoesNot)Care?? I think I'll pass - that 600% increase last
time was enough for me!!>
07-17-2019 - America Outperforms Canada in Surgery Wait Times—And It's Not Even
07-09-2019 - Everything You Need To Know To Fight Single-Payer Health Care
01-04-2019 - Marijuana Is More Dangerous Than You Think - WSJ
04-10-2018 - Scientists Discover Method of Removing Genetic Risk Factor for
04-09-2018 - Alzheimer's gene neutralised in human brain cells for the first time
This page was updated on February 12, 2025.