This page was updated on February 12, 2025.
To quickly find links to topics, no matter which browser you are using, on your keyboard, hold down the Ctrl key and then press the F key. At the top or bottom of the browser, the "Find" bar will open. Type in the word or phrase and all relevant matches will appear highlighted on this page.
I've been getting a lot of questions about this topic, so I decided to add this page. Check back frequently as I will be adding quite a bit to this section. Also, please see my Security Services page.
Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and do not give legal advice. If you have questions of a legal nature, always contact a licensed attorney who specializes in the area of law in which you need assistance.
NOTE: The Firearms News page has been moved under the News You Missed section.
(For the best source on news and updates on firearms issues, subscribe to NRA-ILA's and the JPFO's e-mail alerts.)
Get that latest news, legal, legislative updates, range reports, hardware, equipment and technical reviews with these on-demand radio programs. Note that most also have their own companion websites, social media pages and podcast available thru the iTunes Podcast app, but I've found the Stitcher app to be the best, free one-stop source for all the podcasts. Also check for these on your favorite podcast apps such as TuneIn, SoundCloud, iHeart Radio, Player FM, Podcast One, etc. - many are available on multiple platforms.
Andrew Flusche, Attorney at Law, YouTube Channel - police interaction advice
Armed American Radio (from USCCA) website) TuneIn app iTunes
Armed Scholar YouTube Channel - daily news/legal
Audit the Audit YouTube Channel - police interaction advice
Black Man with a Gun iTunes app Stitcher app
CVO Gun Talk with Ernie Traugh on the Stitcher app iHeart Radio app
Ethical Preparedness YouTube - gear reviews, police interaction advice
The Firearms Podcast on the Stitcher app website Facebook
Firearms Radio Network website Facebook
Frontlines of Freedom with Denny Gillem Facebook
GunStreamer (replacing YouTube)
Gun Talk with Tom Gresham on the Stitcher app website Facebook
Hampton Law Firm YouTube Channel - police interaction advice
How to use “Hey Siri, I’m Getting Pulled Over” app to record interactions with police. - police interaction advice
KrisAnne Hall Show (Constitutional Law Attorney) website SoundCloud iTunes
Langley Outdoors Academy YouTube Channel - daily news/legal/reviews
Law Enforcement Today app website Facebook
Lock N Load with Bill Frady on the Stitcher app website
NRA News on the Stitcher app website Facebook
Polite Society Podcast on the Stitcher app website Facebook
VIDEO: Start Your Own Gun Free Zone - They Work!
We the People University - police interaction advice
If you have been thinking about getting a handgun and your carry license (if required by your state), it's much more complicated than just doing those 2 things - you need to ask yourself several questions before proceeding. Below is an excerpt from some of my class material that should help you make your decision.
Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Before Getting Your Carry Permit & Cost Considerations (Updated 01-03-2021)
This is why you shouldn't open carry - a contrarian view - Bravo Concealment 02/19/2021
Now take this interactive quiz: Do You Know Enough Gun Safety to Get A Firearms Certificate?
Read this book: Oklahoma Gun Law: Armed and Educated by Robert Robles, Attorney at Law (also available at most local gun shops) (If you are in another state, look for a similar book from an in-state attorney, usually affiliated with U.S. Law Shield.)
5 Best 9mm Self Defense Ammo Options For Concealed Carry
Pocket Guns - Are They Worth It?
Oklahoma HB 2587 (aka Permitless Carry or Constitutional Carry Law), signed by Gov. Stitt on 2-27-2019 and went into effect on 11-1-2019. (full text of all laws affected, old verbiage plus respective changes.)
For Oklahoma residents, most firearms-related laws which people (civilians) have questions about can be found in Title 21, Chapter 53 of the Oklahoma statutes. Scroll down about 2/3 the way to the bottom and you will find the section.
If you wish to apply for a handgun carry permit, also known as the Oklahoma Self Defense Act, all the information is here at the OSBI's website.
Oklahoma Self-Defense Act (SDA) book, UPDATED 11-1-2020
Oklahoma Self-Defense Act (SDA) Handgun Licenses and Medical Marijuana
There are additional laws and regulations for security officers and private investigators which can be found in Title 59, Chapter 42A of the Oklahoma statutes. Scroll down about 7/8 of the way to the bottom and you will find this section. Additional rules are in the Oklahoma Secretary of State's Office of Administrative Rules (OAR) Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC), Title 390 (Scroll down for link to Title 390 and click on View Title).
Also, former Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt issued a very important opinion on 2/19/2014 regarding security guards, private investigators and their carrying of firearms. Read it here.
For Oklahoma Armed Private Investigators: For convenience purposes, I used to make a 4-panel, foldable business card that I can hand to law enforcement personnel who may not be familiar with the firearms carry laws as they pertain to licensees. Below is the Microsoft Word file with the relevant laws in case you would like to print them out to carry with you and or copy and paste them to Vistaprint (or your preferred vendor) and make some cards yourself. Of course, it is is always a good idea to double check the laws cited as they are subject to change.
(Updated 9-15-2021. You will have to download this file and open it with Microsoft Word.)
(Note: I placed the Title 21 and Title 59 citations on the outside panels of the card (one Title on each panel) and the AG's opinion covers the 2 panels inside when you open up the card.)
What About Oklahoma Medical Marijuana, State Occupational Licensing and Firearms Possession?
Yes, this is a tricky question and I got a variety of opinions, but here is THE statute and a good article on the latter that should clarify things. Obviously this statute wasn't thought through very well and the legislators didn't consult with CLEET or law enforcement before passing it because the conflicts are glaring and I suspect it will get corrected eventually:
Updated version going into effect on 11-1-2021
Oklahoma Title 63, Chapter 15, Section 425 License Holder Protection - Non-Discrimination - Authorized Use - Zoning - Location - Research License Version 1, para. E. "No licensed medical marijuana patient may unduly be withheld from holding a state-issued license by virtue of their being a licensed medical marijuana patient including, but not limited to, a concealed carry permit." Version 2, para. E. "No person who possesses a medical marijuana patient license may be unduly withheld from holding another state-issued license by virtue of his or her status as a medical marijuana patient licensee including, but not limited to, a concealed carry permit."
See Oklahoma Title 63, Public Health and Safety, and scroll down to Chapter 15 Narcotic Drugs for all the statutes related to this subject.
Can I Get A Gun License In Oklahoma If I Have A Medical Marijuana Card 08-06-2018?
Obviously this conflicts with paragraph E. of the statute above. If you have any questions, contact your attorney.
Other states' laws & traveling:
Get the smart phone apps from LEGAL HEAT and CONCEALED CARRY. They are updated very frequently, however, if you have questions about any type of defensive weapon carry laws, ALWAYS be sure to double check the laws in your respective state with an official state government office and or website, such as your state's attorney general's office. And if you travel on any commercial, public transportation - bus, taxi, airline, etc., be sure you thoroughly check your baggage and remove any weapons before boarding. Check with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) website AND your respective carrier for prohibited items and procedures to transport firearms, if allowed, and check frequently as rules and regulations change. It is imperative that you remember that not all states/jurisdictions allow civilians to carry firearms or other defensive weapons (sad, but true) and won't honor your state's permit/license. Also, some states allow firearms carry but may not necessarily honor your state's permit/license. The same goes if you live in a Constitutional Carry (no permit required) state and are traveling to another Constitutional Carry state or permit-required state. Furthermore, just because another state may honor your permit, they may not allow the particular configuration of your firearm, and I'm mainly talking about states (or local jurisdictions) that limit the number of rounds you can have in a magazine. So, it is of the utmost importance that you perform your due diligence and research the states/jurisdictions to where you will be traveling or you may very well wind up in a lot of trouble! See the State Carry Permit Reciprocity Info section below.
Help with finding guns, ammo, reloading supplies, shooting ranges, gun shows, selling, gun shops, etc.
2A Warehouse
Brownell's (EVERYTHING firearms including parts and tech support)
Chamber It (All Things Ammunition) Cartridge Posters
GunDealio (Get the app, too.)
The Shooting Club (Get the app, too.)
The Well Armed Woman (TWAW) Find a Local Chapter Near You! Brochure
Where to Shoot (Get the app, too.)
YouTube Review Channels
Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News
Langley Outdoors Academy - political/legal news and gun reviews
Roger Barrera with QVO Tactical
Wholesale Distributors
Amchar Wholesale, Inc.
Bangers LP
Bill Hicks & Co., Ltd.
Camfour – Hill Country Wholesale Inc.
Davidson’s, Inc.
Hick’s, Inc.
Interstate Arms Corp.
Kroll International
Lipsey’s LLC
MGE Wholesale Inc.
Orion Wholesale
Ron Shirk’s Shooter Supply
RSR Group, Inc.
Sports South LLC
Zanders Sporting Goods, Inc.
Second Amendment Rights Advocacy Groups:
1 Million Moms Against Gun Control Facebook
2A Cops - Cops Supporting Gun Rights
A Girl & A Gun Women's Shooting League OKC-West Chapter flyer
A Girl & A Gun Oklahoma City Chapter at Wilshire Gun Club
All Gun Groups (list of national & state organizations)
American Girls with Guns Facebook
Armed Citizen's Legal Defense Network
(Ohio Stat Univ.) Buckeyes for Concealed Carry on Campus Facebook Page
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Concealed Carry (be sure to get their Concealed Carry Gun Tools app for smartphones!)
Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), Dr. John R. Lott, Jr.
Disabled Americans for Firearms Rights
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Empowered 2A (Gun rights for women)
Frontlines of Freedom (Military and Veterans news and talk radio)
GOAL (Gun Owners Action League of Massachusetts)
Gun Owners of America (excellent news and resources for the 2A debate)
Gun Rights Coalition Facebook page
Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News
Guns to Carry - The Ultimate Concealed Carry Guide (Excellent consolidated resource guide to state laws)
Heller Foundation
Human Events' Guns and Patriots newsletter
I'll Go Ahead and Keep My Guns, Thanks Facebook page
Independent Firearms Owners Association Facebook page
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (excellent resources)
Keep and Bear Arms (EXCELLENT resource site)
Law of Self Defense Latest News
Legally Armed and Proud of It Facebook page
Liberty Park Press (News Stories)
National Association For Gun Rights
National Gun Association
National Rifle Association (NRA)
National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)
National Shooting Sports Foundation
Oklahoma Rifle Association
Oklahoma Second Amendment Association
Oklahoma Shooters Association
Second Amendment Foundation
Second Amendment Supporters
Students For Concealed Carry (aka Concealed Campus)
TacTissy - For the Ladies!
US Concealed Carry (USCCA)
USA Carry
The Well-Armed Woman (TWAW) Find a Chapter Near You! Brochure
Women Against Gun Control
State Carry Permit Reciprocity Info:
(Warning: Be extremely careful when traveling away from your home state and transporting any kind of weapon - ALWAYS double check other states' laws through their official state government websites such as the attorney general and or state highway patrol websites. And when doing your legal research, also be sure to check for attorney general opinions as they usually carry the weight of law and remain in effect unless otherwise rescinded by succeeding A.G.'s. - this is very important!! Of course, if you have questions, be sure to consult a knowledgeable attorney. These precautions also apply to LEO's who are carrying under LEOSA - it doesn't protect you as much as you may think - see articles below. And if camping, be sure to check to see if your destination is controlled by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - guns are not allowed in their parks - see link below.)
Note: There are many CCW reciprocity apps available for smart devices.
Always Be Carrying Conceal Carry Reciprocity Maps
American Gun Owners Alliance State Permit Reciprocity Map
Concealed Carry (be sure to get their Concealed Carry Gun Tools app for smartphones!)
Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity Maps v5.1 (Updated Mar. 23, 2019)
Guns to Carry - The Ultimate Concealed Carry Guide
Pepper Spray Laws & Restrictions 1
Pepper Spray Laws & Restrictions 2
Pepper Spray Laws & Restrictions 3
Pepper Spray Laws & Restrictions 4
Stun Gun Laws & Permit Requirements
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Corps Lakes Gateway
USA Carry Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity Map
USA Firearm Training Permit Reciprocity Map Builder
For Law Enforcement Officers (LEO's):
Federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) - USCCA excellent
Police Magazine Article: Does the LEOSA Carry Law Apply to You? 1-17-2014
LEOSA state by state: Why are retired police officers having problems? 8-16-2019
5 Things to Know About the LEOSA Reform Act - PoliceOne, 3-22-2019
LEOSA Reform Act of 2019 H.R. 1156
LEOSA ID Cards for Military Police
Excellent Articles & Videos on the 2nd Amendment and Self Defense:
.223 vs 5.56, What's the freaking difference?
3-D Printed Guns: Separating Truth from Fiction, 7/31/2018
3 Things You Should Never Do When Carrying Your Handgun - USCCA 8/5/2021
4 on 1: Why Capacity Matters in a Defensive Firearm
4 Things You Need To Know If The Police Try To Search Your Phone
5 Things the Left Does NOT Want You to Know About the 2nd Amendment. 5/18/2023
5 Times Gun Bans INCREASED Crime by Analytical Economist
53 Places That Have Banned Guns and Don't Want Your Business - Wideopenspaces 9/22/2016
6 Best Home Defense Shotguns, 12/11/2015
6 Common Media Myths About Gun Control, 2/15/2018
6 Survival Guns You’ll Need After The End Of The World - Total Survival, 2/19/2018
7 Concealed Carry Essentials For Every Man, 5/10/2018
7 Facts All Americans Need to Know About Guns by Ted Nugent with the DC Gazette 6/17/2016
7 Signs a Weapon Is Being Concealed, 7/5/2023
7 Simple Steps to Eliminate School Shootings Overnight, 2/28/2018
7 Terrible Liberal Gun Control Arguments … And How To Beat Them - Kurt Schlichter, 2/22/2018
8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America, 3/14/2018
8 Facts about the (History of) the Second Amendment (VIDEO), 6/7/2023
Another Misleading Study On Gun Ownership And Violence Chases Its Own Questionable Tail - 7/30/2020
The AR-15 isn't a 'weapon of war.' Here’s why. 3/19/2019
The AR-15 Has Only Been Used in 6 of the Past 96 Mass Shootings Since 1982, 3/10/2018
Are Guns Registered in a National Firearms Registry
Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun - Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 1995 PDF file here
Auditing Shooting Rampage Statistics
Australia's 600,000 Gun Confiscation, The Truth About 11/18/2016
Brief History of Repressive Regimes and Their Gun Laws, 9/13/2018
Bust the myth that police are the 'Only Ones' who can be trusted with gun, 5/2/2014
Byzantine Origins of Gun Control - 03-26-2018
Case Closed: Kleck Was Correct on Defensive Gun Use, 4/28/2018
CBS Television show again pushing the supposed dangers of guns in the home - CPRC, 2/13/2021
The CDC is Lying to You – Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership, 3/21/2019
The Chicago 'Guns from Other States' Myth - Yahoo News, 7/27/2020
The Chicago 'Guns from Other States' Myth - National Review, 7/27/2020
Common Arguments Against National Reciprocity | Shall Not Be Questioned, 1-18-2018
Concealed Carry Facts And Fiction, 2019
CONCEALED Carry VS. OPEN Carry - Raw Dog Tactical, 1/10/2018
Debunking the Myth of "Concealed-Carry Killers", 11/5/2019
Defending Guns: A Fading Freedom?, 3/18/2019
A Diabolic Gun Control Strategy (& the genesis of the Second Amendment, a history lesson), 04/13/2023 and further commentary
Do gun bans work? Ask the UK, 4/3/2018
Don't Carry a Pink Gun, The Gun Lawyer - Raw Dog Tactical, 12/18/2017
The Essential Second Amendment - Heritage Foundation, 07-09-2023
Everything You’ve Heard About Stockpiling Ammo Is Wrong, 9/25/2018
Facts Destroy the Left’s Anti-Gun Argument, 9/25/2018
FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs than with Rifles of Every Kind, 9/26/2018
FBI: Four Times as Many People Stabbed to Death than Killed with Rifles
in 2017, 9/26/2018
Female Navy veteran's video gone viral makes argument on why guns do not kill, 8/8/2016
Firearms and Violence: A Critical Review | The National Academies Press, 2005
Four On One Shows Why Capacity Matters in a Defensive Firearm 10/27/2017
Gun Control: The Four-Part Series. The Glenn Beck Program 6/27/2020
Gun Law Study Shows AR-15, Magazine Bans Don't Reduce Violence, 4/4/2019
Gun Control: Hidden Agenda or Ignorance - Walter E. Williams, 3/7/2018
The Gun Control Campaign Against The AR-15 Is Full Of Lies, 3/18/2019
Gun homicides are NOT on the rise in America, 3/19/2019
VIDEO: Gun Myths Gone in Under Five Minutes - ABC News 20/20, John Stossel, 2/22/2013
VIDEO: Gun Control Myths Exposed - John Stossel, 12/16/2015
Gun ownership by state in America - statistics and rates - Pictures - CBS News
Guns In The Home Will Get You Killed 9/4/2017
Have Australia's Gun Law Worked? 12/20/2012
Have background checks been ‘unequivocally’ shown to reduce gun violence? 10/11/2017
History of Concealed Carry in the United States 7/31/2017
Homicides, Violent Crime Rose Again in Major Cities in 2016
How Often Do Citizens Use Guns to Stop Violence? - Just Facts, 2/23/2018
How Real or Possible is Gun Confiscation?, 10/3/2016
How The Loss Of U.S. Psychiatric Hospitals Led To A Mental Health Crisis - NPR, 11/30/2017
How to Hold a Pistol | Special Forces Instruction - Raw Dog Tactical
How to ‘Win’ a Debate About Guns: The Hoplophobic Argument Tree 2/3/2023
How to Win the Gun Control Debate in Favor of Guns
Is the Second Amendment for Just the Militia?, 4/5/2018
Infographic: Compared: Gun Ownership vs Homicides by country
KrisAnne Hall: Open Letter, re: 'Gun Legislation', 6/28/2013
KrisAnne Hall: A lesson on Gun Control 2, 10/5/2017
KrisAnne Hall: A Lesson on Gun Control 1 (audio), 12/3/2015
Landmark Study Finds Concealed Carry Does NOT Increase Violent Crime 10/26/2018
Lawmakers Approve $1,000 Tax on Handguns in Lieu of Total Ban 4/7/2016
Logical Fallacies in the Gun Debate, 2/27/2018
Magazine Capacity, Does It Matter Part 1 with Lee Matthews of KTOK AM 1000 and David "The Marine" from Stand Ready Defense, 3/8/2018
The Making Of Teen Shooters: Guns Haven't Changed -- People Have, 4/18/2018
Marijuana: Concealed Carry And Firearm Ownership, 5/5/2016
The Mathematics of Countering Tyranny - Gun Confiscation Fail, 5/15/2018
Media Misinformation About Arming Teachers, 2/27/2018
The Mistake of Only Comparing US Murder Rates to "Developed" Countries 10/12/2015
The Mythical Cycle of Violence, 2/28/2019
New to CCW? Avoid These 5 Bad CCW Habits - USA Carry 8/11/2017
New York Faces Federal Lawsuit Over Taser Ban 12/8/2016
NRA infographic corrects the most common handgun marksmanship errors
Obama Admin Finalizes Social Security Gun Ban 12/23/2016 NRA-ILA Article
Ohio Governor John Kasich (R) Signs Law Allowing Concealed Carry on Campus 12/21/2016
On Average, Concealed Carry Permit Holders are More Law Abiding than Government Police 1/11/2020
President Obama: (STILL) The Greatest Gun Salesman in History infographic by
Pros and Cons of Installing Metal Detectors in Schools, 4/27/2018
Race Relations and Law Enforcement - Imprimis, 9/26/2018
Racist Roots of Gun Control WATCH: No Guns for Negroes WATCH: No Guns for Jews
The Really, Really Racist History of Gun Control in America | MTV, 6-30-2016
VIDEO: The Right To BEAR Arms - John Stossel, 6/29/2021
Right To Keep and Bear Arms - Sovereign Duty (DVD) by Constitutional Attorney KrisAnne Hall
The Science of Gun Policy: A Critical Synthesis of Research Evidence on the Effects of Gun Policies in the United States - Rand Corp 2018 PDF file here.
Real Cause of Negligent Discharges, 7/24/2017
Science, Fantasy, and Superstition- 'Gun-Control' Fails the Evidence Test, 1/29/2019
The Science is Settled: Research Shows Gun Control Laws Do Not Reduce Violent Crime or Suicides, 3/17/2019
The Second Amendment in the States, 2/28/2019
This is Why You Shouldn't Open Carry - A Contrarian View - Bravo Concealment 2/19/2021
SHOT Show: 7 Great Firearms for Concealed Carry, Home Defense 1/27/2018
Should Seniors Use Guns for Self-Defense? 6/5/2020
Some Thoughts On Single Stack Nines 10/24/2017
State of the Nation: Lots More Guns, Much Less Violent Crime 4/5/2016
'Stop Blaming Guns!' Howard Stern Eviscerates Gun Control Argument Direct link to YouTube video here, 2/26/2018
Stop Carrying Concealed with an Empty Chamber! - USA Carry, 3/27/2019
Study found race matters in police shootings, but the results may surprise you, WaPo 4/27/2016
A Tale of Two Studies: The Real Effect of Constitutional Carry on Violent Crime, 2/2/2023
Tell me WHY I Don't Need My AR, 4/23/2018
The Myth of the Big Bad Gun Lobby - Prof. John R. Lott with National Review 8/16/2016
There Are Things We Can Do to Prevent Mass Shootings and Make Them Less Deadly, 12/14/2022
There is No Such Thing as “Gun Violence”, 4/4/2019
These States Let School Employees Be Armed... Are You Surprised?, 3/15/2018
Top 10 CCW Guns For Seniors Citizens - Raw Dog Tactical 03-10-2018
TSA Tips for Legally Traveling with a Firearm or Other Restricted Items (Video) 10/15/2017
Unpublished CDC Study Confirms over 2 Million Annual Defensive Gun Uses, 4/21/2018
CDC Allegedly Hid Data Supporting Pro-Gun Claims, 4/23/2018
Untold History of the NRA - Part 1, 6/13/2019 or here
Untold History of the NRA - Part 2, 5/17/2019
Using a Bathroom With a Concealed Carry Handgun 12/07/2017
Violence Policy Center's gun study marred by omissions, flaws 2/6/2018
(VIDEO) Watch Democrats Share Misinformation About Guns direct link to YouTube video
What Do CDC’s Surveys Say About the Prevalence of Defensive Gun Use?, 9/10/2020
What is the Second Amendment About? What did the founders say?, 10/11/2018
What the Founding fathers really believed about guns - in their own words, 4/4/2018
What to Do When You Doctor Asks About Guns-Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership 5/16/2015
When violence is the answer book by Tim Larkin
When You Hear Someone Call an AR-15 an Assault Rifle, Show Them This, 2/16/2018
Why CC Holders Should Ignore Anti-Gun Signs Posted in Stores - Wizbang 5/23/2014
Why Does America Have a Second Amendment?, 2/20/2018
Why You Should Buy A Gun, According To C.S. Lewis, 8/26/2020
Why Your Stockpile Needs High-Capacity Magazines - Total Survival, 9/1/2018
A community driven interactive database and map of pro and anti-gun businesses. Find out which local businesses honor and respect your Constitutional right to carry and defend yourself and your family.....and those that don't!
If you're challenged by a business owner, ask them, "Well, I don't see any signs that say: 'No Criminals Allowed,' 'No Shoplifters Allowed,' 'No Pedophiles Allowed,' etc., so I guess it's okay for them to come in to your store but not someone who purchased their firearm legally, paid a large fee, was fingerprinted, photographed and went through extensive background checks and is licensed by the state to carry a firearm and such people are 5 - 7 times less likely to commit a firearms violation than even police officers??
And be sure to go to Tim Oliver's website, Learn to Carry, and get your free PDF file to print your "NO GUNS = NO MONEY" business cards to hand to vendors who don't respect your Second Amendment right to self-protection!!!
CCRKBA's Extensive List of Anti-Gun Companies (running list)
List of 145 CEO's (with armed private security) Who Want Gun Control (for You) 20190912 - Their Letter to the U.S. Congress (pdf)
Businesses That Prohibit Guns or Have No-Gun Policies
These Are the Roughly 200 Businesses Whose Leaders Are Backing Gun Control Initiatives (02-21-2021) Gun Free Zone List
Firearms Self-Defense Insurance Policies:
Self-Defense Gun Owner Insurance Programs Compared - Updated 2/16/2021 EXCELLENT!! Click Here To Download A PDF Version Of This Chart.
Excellent articles on these types of programs from Concealed Carry, Inc.
Best Concealed Carry Insurances (Buyer’s Guide) by Gunmann (video)
U.S. Law Shield (also excellent videos from the attorneys)
Texas Law Shield
VA Self Defense Law
Second Defense Alliance
Firearms Legal Protection LLC
Gun Owners Legal Defense Network
Homefront Defense Team
National Association for Legal Gun Defense
Patriot Legal Protection (formerly CHLPP)
Second Call Defense
NRA Carry Guard
US Concealed Carry (USCCA) Consider with caution
Related Articles:
The Importance of Having Self-Defense Insurance Just Went Up - Concealed Carry, 9-24-2020
Do I Really Need Self-Defense Insurance? Concealed Carry, 7-30-2020
Attack on Self-Defense Insurance: Under-Reported News, 4-7-2020
How to Choose Concealed Carry Insurance - Guns & Ammo, 2-12-2014
Armed Citizen's Legal Defense Network - Post Self-Defense Support: The Buyer's Guide
What Every Gun Owner Needs to Know About Self Defense - Armed Citizen's Legal Defense Network
Defending A Disparity of Force Shooting (aka Hickey Booklet) - Armed Citizen's Legal Defense Network
Now that you've got your Carry Permit, you need some great training - try my friend, Will Andrews, owner of Oklahoma Shooting Skills. He has some outstanding classes! Wilshire Gun, which also has a chapter of A Girl and a Gun Women's Shooting League.
Other OKC-local resources:
The Well-Armed Woman (TWAW) Oklahoma Chapters Facebook page
Blue Collar Tactical & Firearms
NRA Classes, Full List (check your local ranges for offerings)
OKC Firearms Training (formerly Stand Ready Defense) with David "The Marine" Elderton
OKC Tactical - SDA Classes, Private Lessons, Great Outfit!
In Kansas City, consult Conceal & Carry, Inc. for all your training needs.
Also online training:
American Concealed
Gun Talk with Tom Gresham (radio) (The only nationally syndicated radio talk show about firearms, gear, shooting and gun rights.) Shop Gun Talk
Gun Talk's YouTube Channel (dozens of free videos)
Gun Talk's First Person Defender series on YouTube (excellent!)
Shootrite Firearms Academy
Gun Talk Media
Gunsite Academy
Handgun Combatives
NRA infographic corrects the most common handgun marksmanship errors
Sonoran Desert Institute School of Firearms Technology
Target Focus Training
Target Focus Training YouTube Channel (dozens of free videos)
Tim Oliver's Learn to Carry (and go here for NO GUNS=NO MONEY cards)
Get the real facts on guns and crime:
American Gun Facts (Brief statistical overview and country comparison - Excellent!)
Conceal Carry Permit Holders Across the U.S. Report- July 16, 2015 - Crime Prevention Resource Center (EXCELLENT!) summary here
Crime Prevention Research Center (Prof. John R. Lott)
Professor & Author John R. Lott videos (Gun Facts 7.1 - 128-page report in PDF format, 2017 version) Note: The
PDF (book) version was discontinued in 2019 and all the info is now web-based. (GREAT!)
Guns Save Lives (Stories of Self-Defense and News)
OpenSecrets Gun page (follow the money)
Target Sports USA Blog (several articles) (EXCELLENT!)
U.S. Government Bureau of Justice Statistics Firearms Violence report, May 2013
War on Guns
The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe - Heather Mac Donald (EXCELLENT book on the real statistics surrounding police shootings.)
PragerU: Is Gun Ownership a Right?
PragerU: What Should We Do About Guns?
Gear (Guns, Shooting, Holsters, Clothing, & Equipment for Security, Police, Survival, Camping, etc.):
Prices vary widely, so once you've found what your looking for, be sure to shop around for the best prices and sign up for e-mail lists to get special deals!
H&H Shooting Sports (Probably the best selection of holsters in the OKC metro. Blue Box discounts!)
Blue Collar Tactical & Firearms (Guns, gear)
C.O.P.S. Gun Shop (Blue box discounts!)
C.O.P.S. Products (In Oklahoma City! - security, law enforcement, EMS - uniforms, accessories, holsters, gear. If you need it, the great folks there will help you get it!)
OKC TacPro (Gear, parts, training)
Special Ops Uniforms, 505 N. Portland Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73107, (405) 946-3504, Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. Closed Sat. and Sunday. No website.
Top Tier Tactical (Midwest City - great selection of gear and blue line support stickers, patches, etc.)
Village Tactical [In The Village (OKC metro). Blue box discounts!]
2A4Life Ultimate Belly Band Holster
AWS, Inc. (Advanced Warfighting Solutions)
Battle Arms Development (top-shelf AR's & PCC's)
Big Daddy Unlimited
Blade-Tech Holsters
Bluetti (Solar-powered generators)
Brownell's (EVERYTHING firearms including parts and tech support)
Chamber It (All Things Ammunition) Cartridge Posters
Cheap RV Living YouTube Channel
Copper Custom Armament (firearms customization)
Dene Adams (unique concealment solutions for the ladies)
Dvor (Sign up for incredible deals!)
Ecoflo (Solar-powered generators)
Ethical Preparedness YouTube Channel (tips, strategies, gear, etc.)
Fieldcraft Survival Channel - excellent!
First Tactical (clothing, backpacks)
Galls (LE equipment)
Generark (Solar-powered generators)
Govx (gear and other great deals from affiliates like Costco, major hotels, car rental companies, etc.)
Groove Life (stretching EDC belts, rings, watch bands, etc.)
GunDealio (Get the app, too.)
Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News
Hammer Striker - gun reviews
Hogue Grips (Grips, Knives, Stocks, Holsters, Gear)
Hyve Technologies (Innovative Glock & Smith & Wesson Accessories)
Jackery (Solar-powered generators)
KORE Essentials(Check out their EDC conceal carry belts - FANTASTIC!)
Lancer Advanced Weapons & Components (home of the Laugo Alien pistol, high quality magazines, rifles, components)
LaserMax (Recoil spring guide rod lasers)
Levy's Outdoor (slings)
LMT (Lewis Machine & Tool Co.)
Looper Brand of Oklahoma Handcrafted Leather Goods since 1938
Nature's Genrator (Solar-powered generators)
Nest Home Automation & Security
Nexbelt (Check out their EDC conceal carry belts - FANTASTIC!)
Primary Firearms (everything firearms & gear)
Proof Pronto (Security cameras & surveillance gear)
Pyramyd Air Gun Mall (all things air guns)
RTT (Resist the Tyranny-Guns, Gear & Politics)
Safe Life Defense (belts & body armor) (security system & other equipment reviews)
Shomer-Tec (specialty police & military gear)
The Shooting Club Get the app, too.
SimpliSafe (Smarter, DIY Home Security)
Smith & Wesson Performance Center
Solo Stove (fire pits, cooking stoves, stainless steel, smoke-less)
Standard Manufacturing (custom unique modified firearms - GREAT!)
T.Rex Arms (holsters, firearms upgrades)
Target Sports USA (Great Resource for everything shooting sports!)
Tentsile Tree Tents and Hammocks
The Tactical Wire (great reviews, news, info)
Top Tier Tactical in Midwest City, OK
Ultimate Spy Camera
Uniform & Accessories Warehouse
USA Firearm Training's Belly Band Holster
U.S. Gun Totes (Impressive, high-quality, unique & innovative features, made in Oklahoma!!)
UtiliKilts (Tactical Kilts?? YES!!)
Wazoo Survival Gear
We the People Holsters
Wilderness Tactical Products
Workboots USA
Secure Your Firearms:
Gun Box - High-tech solutions to securing your firearms
Tactical Traps - concealment shelving
Target Sports USA - How to Store Firearms Safely in Your Home Guide (Excellent resources here)
Other Info & Resources:
Forgotten Weapons
Patriotic/Support Law Enforcement & Military: - Back the Blue Yard Signs
Back the Blue Signs
Below 100
Big Jay's Back the Blue
C.O.P.S. (Concerns of Police Survivors)
GOP Store - Back the Blue Yard signs
IACP (International Association of Chiefs of Police)
Law Enforcement Today Facebook
Law Enforcement United National
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund
Police Officers United Facebook page
St. Michael's Shield (bullet-proof vest program)
Stanton Project (K9 Support)
Top Tier Tactical in Midwest City, OK
Zazzle Police Outdoor Signs (HUGE selection - be sure to click on the various blue tabs
at the top for more selections)
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